The most looked forward to time in pregnancy, other than its end when you meet your little munchkin, must certainly be the babymoon. Especially for mothers-to-be who have it hard during the first trimester like I did. My morning sickness lasted all day every day for months, so I couldn't do much but stay home and explore our travel options for when I feel better and we can finally fly. I had several destinations on my wish list, but eliminated one by one according to their Zika history, or flight connections with Chicago. I didn't want to fly internationally as my husband only took a week off, so short flights that don't waste too much time were our goal. We originally booked a very peaceful resort in Bermuda, packed our suitcases and got all excited, but once we arrived at the airport our flight got cancelled. In order not to miss a single day of our vacation, we decided not to postpone, but to simply find another option at the spot and just leave. We are both the type of people that believe everything happens for a reason, so our option number two worked just fine, and we soon found ourselves in the Bahamas.

About the Bahamas
Seven hundred islands and over two thousand rocks and cays create the archipelago in the clearest water on the planet, thirty of which are inhabited. Their strategic position in the Atlantic painted the history with very unique colors. The island of San Salvador is where Christopher Columbus originally arrived when he reached the Americas. After heavy European influence got involved with the peaceful inhabitants, there was a period of piracy and conflicts which shaped Bahamian spirit into a blend of European and African heritages. What hasn't changed with time is the enjoyable climate and picture perfect beaches. Nassau is the capital and largest city of the Bahamas - once 'pirate republic' used by infamous pirates such as Charles Vane, Jack Rackham and Edward Teach better known as 'Blackbeard'. I loved the picturesque narrow streets and cute, colorful homes. The waters are warm and calm. Some historians even say the name Bahamas derives from Spanish 'baja mar' meaning shallow waters. Areas of flatland a few feet in elevation are the dominant feature of major islands.
Where to Stay
We visited Paradise Island and two of the most popular resorts: Atlantis Resort and Casino & Four Seasons Ocean Club.Atlantis is a huge and very busy resort. It was brought to life by Sol Kerzner who in 1994 purchased the property and decided to create the most astounding resort in the world where people would be living their dreams on a tropical paradise alongside two miles of pristine white sand. Atlantis Paradise Island consists of multiple towers, several restaurants offering delicious specialties and freshly caught seafood, numerous slides and swimming areas, magnificent waterfalls, a huge casino, glorious Marina, Aura nightclub and the world's largest open-air marine habitat. It has a lot to offer, and it is a great option for a family vacation. Cove being their newest and most luxurious resort-within-resort does offer exclusive areas and an amazing adult only pool, but if you want a quiet vacation when you're five months pregnant, Atlantis is not the place to go. Since I was expecting I couldn't use any of their exciting slides, couldn't take advantage of their snorkeling offers, or stay in their casino long enough to have fun since it is not a smoke free zone. Loud noises, big crowds and smokey areas didn't make me feel that great. Even a lounge area that offered lunch and refreshments smelled like cigars. I would usually relax by one of the pools, while my husband fully enjoyed all this property has to offer.What I did enjoy was exploring the Marina Village. It consists of three vividly painted plazas that all perfectly depict Bahamian spirit. Marina Village is home to authentic Bahamian arts and crafts, shops and restaurant. You can enjoy walks, outdoor tables, ice-cream, coffee, or simply the view of luxurious yachts and peaceful waters.
As my husband was loving the Atlantis, I was searching for a peaceful, less busy option. We found this and more at Four Seasons Ocean Club. It opened back in 1962, and has been celebrities' hideaway since. This luxury resort is the perfect place for a couple that needs to rest and recharge. It consists of low-rise intimate buildings surrounded by Versailles inspired gardens. Get enchanted wandering these gardens where statues of Cupid and Psyche, as well as koi fish ponds will create your own fairytale experience. Enjoy these views while having breakfast at your private balcony, or clear your mind playing a round of golf at Ocean Club Golf Course. Soak up the Sun laying on impeccable white soft sand that sparkles agains azure ocean beautifully. Their stretch of natural sand extends five miles along the north side of Paradise Island. James Bond Beach where actor Daniel Craig took a swim in James Bond 'Casino Royale' movie must be the most famous part.
For when you'd rather stay away from the ocean, there's three pools offering variety of ways to relax. Kids will love the lagoon-style Family Pool. Versailles Pool is an elegant adults-only zone. The Ocean Pool area is relaxing, inviting and has the most perfect view of Bahamian waters you can ever imagine. Not too far from it, the terrace at Dune offers dining overlooking the Atlantic. Once you need a break from the heat, you may refresh at Martini Bar and Lounge, try their famous cocktails, or engage in cheerful conversations with the master mixologist. For moms-to-be a break from the Sun can save the day sometimes, and comfort means a lot. The staff will kindly respond to any needs you may have. As far as accommodations are concerned, there are many options divided in different wings. If you are looking for the ultimate privacy that doesn't lack luxury, two-bedroom plunge pool villa will serve as ideal friends or family retreat. You may enjoy spacious dining and living area, or relax at your own courtyard by the lounge pool.

Things to Do
Adventure lovers will be amazed with what Bahamas have to offer. Besides taking boat tours to private islands and pristine beaches, you can dare swim with sharks, feed iguanas or befriend cute piggies on Exuma tours. There are many diving and snorkeling trips available near any of the islands. Grand Bahama Island is home to Lucayan National Park. If you are staying in Paradise Island and can't go on speed boat tours like I couldn't since I was pregnant, there's Dolphin Cay right in the Atlantis - one of the largest marine-mammal habitats in the world. It is home to rescued animals, and premier sea animals rehabilitation facility. It will not only be fun, but an educational experience as well. We booked a 'Dip 'n Discover' experience during which you get very personal with dolphins and hopefully build a life long appreciation for them. Our 'host' was dolphin Zuma, a young and playful boy that showered everyone with kisses, even my belly :)
No matter what brings you to the Bahamas - the need to rest or have fun, the natural beauty of crystal clear water, softest sand on the planet and Sun rays hugging your body while light breeze cools you down, you will find your Heaven on Earth. We are already planning to go back with our little munchkin for more precious memories. Let me know what else to see in the comments.

Bahami sa bebom u stomaku
Osim sto jedva cekamo da upoznamo bebu, trudnoca nam donosi i iscekivanje prvog zajednickog putovanja "sa bebom". Narocito mame koje imaju naporan prvi trimestar, sigurna sam, jedva cekaju avanture nakon sto prodju mucnine. S obzirom da su se meni jutarnje mucnine desavale u bilo koje doba dana mesecima, pa sam lezala kod kuce uglavnom, imala sam dovoljno vremena da istrazim destinacije na koje bih mogla da odem cim se osetim bolje. Imala sam nekoliko destinacija na umu, ali sam neke od njih eliminisala odmah zbog zastupljenosti zika virusa, ili lose avio konekcije sa Cikagom. Moj muz je mogao da otputuje samo na nedelju dana, tako da nisam zelela da gubim vreme leteci na udaljena mesta, vec nam je cilj bilo letovaliste blizu Amerike. Najpre smo se odlucili za Bermude, spakovali se i, kao i uvek, ja sam vec sve unapred isplanirala do detalja. Medjutim, kada smo stigli na aerodrom saznali smo da nam je let otkazan i da tog dana nema vise letova. Kako ne bismo tracili dane, odlucili smo da jednostavno odmah napravimo rezervaciju za sledecu destinaciju sa liste zelja, pa smo se tako ubrzo nasli na Bahamima. Oboje smo tipovi ljudi koji veruju da se sve desava sa razlogom, tako da nismo puno zalili zbog promene plana.
Bahami se sastoje od preko 700 ostrva smestenih u najbistrijim vodama na svetu, ali su samo njih 30 naseljena. Zahvaljujuci geografskom polozaju, najrazlicitiji uticaji su obojili njihovu istoriju i kulturu. Nama je, mozda, najpoznatije ostrvo San Salvador, do koga je Kristofer Kolumbo stigao kada je otkrio Ameriku. Miroljubivi stanovnici Bahama su najpre osetili tezak duh Evropljana, a zatim je nastupio period kada su pirati i cesti konflikti dodatno preoblikovali nacin zivota na ovim rajskim ostrvima, tako da danas nailazimo na mesavinu evropskog i africkog nasledja. Ono sto vreme nije promenilo jeste klima stvorena za uzivanje i plaze koje bi se mogle naci na najlepsim razglednicama. Glavni i ujedno najveci grad Bahama je Nasau, nekadasnja prestonica trgovine u kojoj su harali pirati kao sto su Charles Vane, Jack Rackham i Edward Teach, poznatiji kao ,,Blackbeard". Uske, bajkovite ulicice i kuce najrazlicitijih boja, svakako su jedna od glavnih danasnjih karakteristika turistickog dela Bahama. Vode su tople i mirne. Neki istoricari cak tvrde kako su Bahami dopili naziv od spanskog ,,baja mar", sto bi znacilo plitke vode. Ravni tereni, blago iznad nivoa mora su dominantni oblik reljefa.
Mi smo posetili Paradise Island i dva tamosnja najpopularnija hotelska kompleksa: Atlantis i Four Seasons. Atlantis je ogroman i pun turista. Zaziveo je zahvaljujuci Sol Kerzneru, koji je 1994. godine kupio veliko imanje i resio da na javu donese svoj san o tropskom odmaralistu kakvo svet do tada nije video, na najfinijem belom pesku, u kome bi ljudi svoju mastu sprovodili u delo. Atlantis se sastoji od nekoliko kula, mnogobrojnih restorana sa najrazlicitijim specijalitetima i svezom morskom hranom, zabavnih tobogana i bazena, prelepih vodopada, kazina, nocnog kluba ,,Aura", predivne Marine i najveceg morskog sveta na otvorenom. Nudi izuzetne opcije za odmor sa porodicom. Atlantis Cove, najnoviji i najluksuzniji deo, pruza vam bazen samo za odrasle i dodatnu zanimaciju, ali ako zelite miran odmor, narocito u petom mesecu trudnoce, Atlantis nije dobar izbor. S obzirom da sam bila trudna, nisam mogla ni na jedan tobogan, nisam smela da ronim, niti da se zadrzavam u kazinu u kome je dozvoljeno pusenje. Previse buke, mnogo ljudi i dim po prostorijama su mi jako smetali. Cak i bar koji nudi osvezenje i predah preko dana mirise na cigare, tako da sam se uglavnom opustala pored nekog od bazena, dok se moj muz nauzivao koristeci sve sto ovaj hotel ima da ponudi. Ono sto se meni dopalo u Atlantisu jeste setnja njihovom Marinom. Odmah iza kazina, na otvorenom, Marina se sastoji od tri zivopisno obojena trga, a svaki od njih savrseno oslikava duh Bahama. Na njima su smestene radnjice za suvenire, tezge na kojima mozete naci rucno izradnjene ukrase i torbe, kao i restorani, kafei i prodavnice sladoleda. Pravo je uzivanje setnja na otvorenom uz zalazak sunca, s pogledom na luksuzne jahte i mirno, tirkizno more.
Dok je moj muz uzivao u Atlantisu, ja sam se radovala mirnijem okruzenju sa manje ljudi. Nasla sam bas ono sto mi je trebalo u Four Seasons Ocean Club hotelu. Otvoren je jos 1962. godine i od tada je omiljeno skroviste poznatima kada zele par dana tisine. Ovo luksuzno odmaraliste je savrsen izbor za parove kojima je potrebno da odmore i napune baterije. Sastoji se od niskih zgrada medju kojima se pruzaju carobne baste po ugledu na Versaj. Ocarace vas setnja pored statua, a mini jezera oko staza doprinece da se osecate kao u bajci. U ovom pogledu mozete uzivati i sa privatnih balkona uz dorucak, a opustanje vam pruzaju i besprekorni golf tereni. Sto se plaze tice, kontrast koji prave mekan, svetlucav pesak i kristalno cist, plavi okean je savrsen, a najpoznatija je po James Bond filmu ,,Casino Royale" i sceni u kojoj Daniel Craig uziva u ovim vodama. Ukoliko ne zelite da plivate u okeanu, Ocean Club vam nudi 3 bazena za relaksaciju. Family Pool je bazen u stilu lagune pogodan za decu. Versailles Pool je elegantna zona samo za odrasle. Ocean Pool vam pruza pogled na okean i prosto mami da bas ovde upijate sunceve zrake, a nedaleko od njega mozete da se osvezite na terasi ,,Dune" uz salate i hladne napitke. Ukoliko pozelite predah od tropskih temperatura, ,,Martini Bar" ce vas obradovati maestralno miksanim koktelima, a master miksolog je uvek raspolozen za caskanje i predloge. Kada ste trudni, nekada vam hlad i udobnost daleko od sunca spasu dan, tako da nas je ljubazno osoblje odusevilo svojom zeljom da pomognu. Sto se smestaja tice, postoji vise opcija podeljenih po ,,krilima". Ukoliko zelite potpunu privatnost, a da vam ne manjka luksuza, onda je najbolji izbor njihova dvosobna vila koja ima privatni bazen. U njoj cete naci i prostrani dnevni boravak sa izlazom u samo vase dvoriste, moderno opremljen komfor i najkvalitetniju uslugu.
Ukoliko volite avanture, Bahami ce nadmasiti svaku zamisao! Osim odlaska do obliznjih ostrva radi netaknute prirode i idealnih plaza, mozete takodje i plivati sa ajkulama, hraniti iguane ili se sprijateljiti sa nekim prasetom na izletima do Exume. Postoji mogucnost i da ronite u blizini bilo kog ostrva. Na Grand Bahama ostrvu smesten je Nacionalni park Lucayan. Ukoliko ste posetili Paradise Island i ne mozete na voznje brzim camcima, kao sto meni nije bilo dozvoljeno zbog trudnoce, u Atlantisu mozete obici Dolphin Cay - najveci svet morskih sisara koji spasava i rehabilituje morske zivotinje. Ne samo da cete se super provesti, nego mozete dosta i da naucite o podvodnom svetu. Mi smo otisli u ,,Dip-n-Discover" avanturu, gde ucite o delfinima tokom bliskih susreta sa njima. Nas domacin bio je delfin Zuma, mlad i razigran ,,decak" koji nas je obasipao poljupcima, pa je cak cmoknuo i moj stomak :)
Bez obzira sta vas odvede na Bahame, da li odmor ili zabava, sigurna sam da cete naci svoj raj na zemlji u prirodnim lepotama prozirne vode, najmekseg peska na planeti i suncevim zracima pracenim blagim povetarcem. Mi vec planiramo ponovni odlazak sa bebom, zarad jos vise uspomena u ovom prelepom kutku.