We chose the Hawaiian island of Maui as our honeymoon destination. It is not only an island of great adventure and intact nature, but of amazing food as well. During our 15-day stay we had the opportunity to taste delicious specialities in all of the restaurants on our wish list, and here are my top 3.
1. Merriman's
This might be my favorite restaurant, not just in Maui, but in the whole world! I loved every minute we spent there! I can't point out one feature that made it my top choice, because the whole experience was wonderful. The restaurant is placed in the most exquisite oceanfront setting giving you views of sunset rays scattered across azure ocean. Pete Merriman, Chef/Restauranteur serves locally grown or caught products for his impeccable "Farm-to-Table" Hawaiian Cuisine. Every meal we tried was uniquely delicious combining worldly specialties with original flavors. The staff was fun and friendly; The wine was perfectly chilled; The surrounding palm trees and grass surfaces brought out the sense of tranquility; All for an amazing, unforgettable dinner date. Merriman's is very hard to make reservations for. It is sold out weeks in advance, so make sure you book ahead of time. In case you're out of luck, you can still enjoy wine, cocktails or pupu at The Point, their outdoor lounge area that offers Happy Hour while catching the sunset. If you are on a family vacation, Merriman's Sunday brunch will offer live music, variety of items on the menu, and admirable service that will make sure you leave with your hearts full.

2. Mama's Fish House
Located on the North Shore, with a small coconut grove and a beach of its own, Mama's Fish House is not just a restaurant, but a family's dream brought into this reality by Floyd and Doris. Many years ago they bought a sailboat and together with their little boy decided to explore the South Pacific. During their voyage they fell in love with color changing sunset rays scattered across the ocean waves, and moon-lit waters against sparkly skies. Over a month later, they reached the Marquesas, and their long-wanted island Nuka Hiva. The greenery with cascading waterfalls and quiet azure lagoons became the foundation of their dream. They fell in love with the sounds of guitars and drums amongst the coconut trees, the rich flavor of mangoes and papayas, and the taste of fresh seafood these waters had to offer. In Tahiti their vision of owning a restaurant became clear, and they blended the flavors of many traditions, cultures and recipes into one - Mama's Fish House. Whether you enjoy the Polynesian spirits overlooking the crystal waters of Maui, chat with friendly staff about the story behind this little piece of heaven, or simply drink a cocktail by the ocean, the experience will be unforgettable for sure.

3. Ferraro's
For lively nights, luxurious Wailea setting, and modern dining look no further but Ferraro's Bar e Ristorante. Enjoy their extensive Italian wine list and delicious Mediterranean flavors at one of the tables overlooking the ocean. Fresh burrata with heirloom tomato is enriched with Chef's Garden Basil, homemade pasta topped with Kona Lobster, and their risotto is served with Hawaiian Ahi. Over 70 local fishermen and farmers will bring you the freshest daily catches. Try their housemade gelato or any of the extraordinarily crafted desserts. Every item off the menu is professionally presented by the staff who are all kind and knowledgable. But what really separates this dining experience from all other are the sounds of violin in the background. The views of orange colored sky, the taste of chilled wine and quiet sounds of live music will take your breath away, clear your mind and amaze you. Don't miss out on this experience, even for one night. Make your reservation well in advance, arrive early for the best seating and stay by the bar area a little longer after dinner for friendly talks and incredible wine.

Top 3 restorana ostrva Maui
Havajsko ostrvo Maui je bilo nas odabir za medeni mesec . Ovo ostrvo ne samo da nudi neverovatne avanture i netaknutu prirodu, vec i sjajne specijalitete sa bogatih menija. Tokom 15 dana naseg odmora, posetili smo mnoge restorane, a ovde vam predstavljam 3 koja su mi se najvise dopala.
1. Merriman's
Ovo ne samo da je moj omiljeni restoran na Mauiu, nego na svetu. Svaki minut je bio cisto uzivanje! Ne bih umela da vam izdvojim razlog, jer je celo iskustvo odlaska na rucak ili veceru u ovaj restoran bilo predivno. Najpre mu je lokacija izuzetna! Nalazi se na samom okeanu, okruzen travnatim povrsinama, s predivnim pogledom na zrake sunca razbacane po povrsini okeana. Pete Merriman je vlasnik i glavni kuvar, koji sluzi lokalno uzgajane proizvode, ili dnevni ulov. Moto restorana je "Sa farme na sto", a svaki havajski specijalitet koji smo probali maestralno je spajao svetske specijalitete sa tradicionalnim ukusima. Zaposleni su zabavni i raspolozeni, vino savrseno ohladjeno, pogled na okolne palme i zelenilo izaziva osecaj spokoja, a sve u cilju jedne nezaboravne vecere udvoje. Jako je tesko napraviti rezervaciju, jer je restoran rasprodat nedeljama unapred, pa na vreme uvrstite obrok ovde u svoj plan za putovanje na Maui. Ukoliko zaksnite s rezervacijom, mozete uzivati u pogledu na zalazak sunca uz vino, koktele, ili pupu u kafeu ispred restorana na samom okeanu, The Point. Ukoliko Havaje posetite s porodicom, nedeljni rucak u Merriman's restoranu ce vam pruziti muziku uzivo, raznovrsni meni i odlicnu uslugu, pa cete otici ne samo punog stomaka, nego i punog srca.
2. Mama's Fish House
Lociran na Severnoj Obali, u malom zalivu sa privatnom plazom posutom palmama, ovo nije samo restoran, nego san jedne porodice donet na ovaj svet zahvaljujuci Doris i Flojdu. Pre mnogo godina, kao mladi bracni par, isplovili su sa svojim dvogodisnjim sinom sa obala Kalifornije ka ostrvima u juznom Pacifiku bez plana za povratak. Tokom plovidbe zaljubili su se u raznovrsne boje kojima sunce obasipa talase dok zalazi i u sjaj kojim mesec posipa okean u nocima ispod zvezdastog neba. Nakon vise od mesec dana na brodu, konacno su stigli do Markiskih Ostrva i dugo zeljenog ostrva Nuka Hiva. Zelenila ukrasena vodopadima i mirne tirkizne lagune, postali su osnov za njihov san. Zaljubili su se u zvuke gitare i bubnjeva medju kokosovim palmama, bogat ukus manga i papaje i u svezinu morske hrane koju bi nalazili u tamosnjim morima. Na Tahitiju im je vizija o sopstvenom restoranu zazivela. Spojili su ukuse mnogih kultura i tradicionalne recepte u ostvarenje svog sna - Mama's Fish House. Bez obzira da li uzivate u duhovima Polinezije dok gledate kristalne vode Mauia, caskate sa ljubaznim osobljem o prici iza ovog malog raja, ili pijuckate koktele pored okeana, iskustvo ce vam sigurno biti nezaboravno.
Za zivahne noci u luksuznoj oblasti Wailea i moderne specijalitete, Ferraro's bar i restoran je pravi izbor. Uzivajte u najboljim italijanskim vinima i savrsenoj Mediteranskoj kuhinji za jednim od stolova s pogledom na okean. Sveza burata i paradajz obogaceni su ukusima bosiljka sveze ubranog u basti, kona jastog garniran je uz domacu pastu, a rizoto prekriven komadima ahi tune. Preko 70 lokalnih pecarosa i farmera donose svoj dnevni ulov. Probajte djelato koji spremaju licno, ili neki drugi sjajno osmisljen dezert. Sve sa menija ljubazni konobari profesionalno predstavljaju. Ali, ono sto zaista izdvaja ovaj restoran od svih drugih jesu zvuci violine u pozadini dok uzivate u veceri. Pogled na nebo obojeno narandzasto, ukus hladnog vina i tihi zvuci muzike oduzece vam dah i opustiti um. Nemojte propustiti ovakvo uzivanje, makar na jedno vece. Rezervisite sto na vreme, stignite ranije zarad boljeg pogleda i obavezno se zadrzite pokraj bara za jos malo divnog vina i prijateljske razgovore sa ostalim gostima.